Tips for Parents!

Tips for Listening to Your Child Read

 Listen. Do not immediately correct your child’s mistakes when reading.

 Don’t put pressure on your child, remember—you want to promote a positive attitude towards reading.

 Do not go back through the book quizzing your child on letters or the words that were in the story.

 Help at the time, if needed. If your child tried to read the word, then praise them for their effort, give some other clues to figure out the word. Ask your child again to read the word. If they still don’t know the word, then tell them what the word is.

 Don’t be upset if your child can’t remember the word the next day. Give the clues again.

 Believe that your child will learn to read!

 Encourage and help your child to practice (don’t forget that reading aloud to your child is practice as well). Let them reread easy and familiar books many times.

 Remember that children learn to read at different rates, there are many things for your child to learn when they are learning to read. Most importantly, you must support and praise what your child is doing or trying to do.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Thank you!

Dear Parents,

Thank you for such a lovely time on Friday!  The children did a wonderful job with their plays and have truly grown in confidence over this last unit!  Please see below photos from our Celebration.  We will begin our new unit this week entitled Life Cycles.  If you could return the feedback form from the previous unit it would be greatly appreciated.

Have a great week,


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